Friday, May 29, 2009

Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich

I am officially a true tri-lingual!! First Spanish, then English, and now (drum roll) GERMAN!!!!! Sure, its just the first line of Nena's hit 99 luft ballon, but that works!! I can use that for so much, for example here's a dialogue.

-sprechen ze deutsch?

-Has du etwas zit fur mich!

Then he would know I speak German. Like I said tri-lingual.

This is for you Nena, for teaching me German;


  1. Hielten sich fuer Captain Kirk

  2. Hast Du etwas Zeit fuer Mich? Dann singe Ich ein Lied fuer Dich von neun-und-neunzig Luftballon ....

    Now I know whay you checked on the pronunciation!

  3. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? >>is formal.

    Sprichst du Deutsch? >>is informal.

  4. Great song, she looks and sounds Lovely.
    very weird translations i find online.

    I was 100% that 'Has du etwas zeit fur mich' means ' do you even have some time for me' and 99 Luft-ballons are not red ballons as Luft means Air, right ?
