Cupid's arrow has struck me, and hard! All of a sudden, the sun is shining the brighter, little bluebirds are chirping all around me, and I'm faced with sudden urges to sing. Yes, indeed, everything looks brighter, even my future. Who is it, you ask? To which I respond, laughing in your face, "Not
who but
what!" I've found my dream-house! I always thought that it would come in the form of a giant chateau, or a manor home in England, but then I came across the cutest, most charming home, I've ever met. Sadly, our relationship is only online at the moment, but she's beautiful, I assure you. Here she is!
Just look at it...It's the perfect fifties story-book cottage, combining all of my favorite styles. Can't you just imagine pulling up in your perfect mint green Buick,
to your perfect house, opening the door for your wife, whose carrying a hat-box with a vintage hat nestled inside,
Ah yes, that would be the life. I hope that this house hasn't been demolished since the time that it was built, for then I' be quite disapointed, and my whole fantasy would be ruined! RUINED!