Every once in a while in life, you will experience a "wha....? moment; a moment that will never cease to baffle you, a moment. You usually experince this feeling due to another's actions, or what somebody says. On this such occasion, it was due to someody's action. I shall call this somebody, Fernando. To understand this fully, I'd first have to tell you about the trip we took as a school to Washington. Every year, our school has a trip to Washington D.C. for all the eighth graders. We stay there for a weekend touring, and we need to have four room-mates. Originally, I had a full group of four friends, but that little by little broke apart, like my Best Friend couldn't come to the trip, the other one switched rooms, and I was left with just one good friend. Noticing that I on;y had two roomates, the school assigned me two other people, one of the people being the infamous Fernando. So I had a room, and the two seemed nice enough, so I didn't mine. A week later, when we went to D.C., we toured all day, and we were all so tired, and just wanted to get some sleep. At least, nearly all of us, Fernando had something else planned. So we come up to our room, and open the door, and one of us suggested we get some ice. We all went with said person to get ice, except Fernando, who said he was tired and would just go to bed. We came back some minutes later, and everything seemed like it was fine. That was until one of the teachers knocked on our door; I went to the door, and said hello, but he wasn't in a hello type of mood. He said "Your room specifically has been complained about two times, whatever your doing, cut it out!" he then proceeded to shut the door, and to leave me confused. I hadn't even been in the room, and even when I was out of it, I was nice and quiet, and quite respectful too, just like the rest of the group. And then it hit me; FERNANDO!!. I then asked Fernando what he was doing while we were gone. Than he started laughing like someone mad man fresh out of Bedlam. The second I heard that laugh, my stomach dropped, and I thought I might lose the McDonald's I ate that afternoon would be coming right back up. He said, while still laughing, "I called security on ourselves!". This, my friends, is where the "Wha.......?" moment comes in. All I could say was "Why?". His explanation didn't do much to convince me of his sanity; "I wanted to see if the front desk did anything! They never respond to complaints, you know!" I felt like saying, "Well obviously they do!" Instead I chose the nicer option and said "So you called two times?" He said "Yeah", as if calling securtiy on yourself was the perfectly sane thing to do. He then continued to say "They'd be more likely to do something if I called twice." Once again, "wha....?" I couldn't hold back this time and said "You wanted them to do something?" "Yeah! I wanted to show them to do what they should do!" I then decided my interview with the crazy was going nowhere, so I abandoned it, and decided he was a masochist in addition to being insane.